Can I Put Pothos in My Betta Tank?

Can I put pothos in my Betta tank? Yes, you can safely put pothos plants in your Betta fish tank. Pothos plants can help maintain water quality and add to the overall appearance of the tank. However, make sure that the plant is stable and secure in the tank, and that the tank’s conditions are appropriate for the plant’s growth. Keep an eye on the plant’s condition regularly to ensure it continues to thrive in the tank

Do you like to grow pothos and keep a betta fish? If so, you might have heard that adding live plants to your Betta tank can create a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing environment for your fish. One of the popular plant options is pothos, a plant that can thrive in a variety of conditions.

But is it safe to put pothos in your Betta tank? In this article, we will discuss the benefits of having pothos in your Betta tank, how to add pothos to your Betta tank, and other frequently asked questions about pothos and Betta fish.

What is Pothos and how does it grow?

Before we dive into the details of adding pothos to a Betta tank, let’s first learn about this plant. Pothos, also known as Epipremnum aureum, is a popular houseplant that belongs to the Araceae family. It is native to the Solomon Islands and can grow up to 30 feet in length when grown in its natural habitat.

Pothos is a vine plant that features heart-shaped leaves that can come in different shades of green, yellow, and white. It can grow in water or soil and requires minimal care. The plant can tolerate low light conditions, and its roots can absorb nutrients from the water, making it an ideal plant for aquariums.

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can i put pothos in my betta tank

What are the Benefits of Growing Pothos in a Betta Tank?

There are several benefits to adding pothos to your Betta tank. First and foremost, pothos plants can help to maintain water quality. Pothos roots can absorb excess nitrates and other harmful substances from the water, helping to keep the water clean and clear. This can reduce the frequency of water changes required, which can be stressful for Betta fish. Additionally, pothos plants can help to oxygenate the water, which is crucial for the health and well-being of Betta fish.

Another benefit of adding pothos to your Betta tank is that it can enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of the tank. Pothos plants have a unique and attractive appearance, which can make your Betta tank look more vibrant and natural. Adding live plants to your Betta tank can also create a more calming and relaxing environment for your fish.

Pothos in a Betta Tank

Now that we have established the benefits of adding pothos to a Betta tank let’s discuss how the plant will fare in the tank. Pothos plants can grow in water, and their roots can absorb nutrients from the water. However, it is important to note that Betta fish are carnivorous and may nip at the roots or leaves of the pothos plant. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that the pothos plant is secure and stable in the tank, so it does not pose any harm to the fish.

It is also essential to maintain the right conditions for the pothos plant to grow healthily. Pothos plants require adequate lighting, nutrients, and temperature to thrive. Ensure that the plant receives sufficient light, and the water temperature is between 72-82 degrees Fahrenheit. You can also supplement the plant’s growth by adding plant-specific fertilizers to the water.

Also Read:  Why Are My Pothos Leaves Turning Black? (Solved)
can i put pothos in my betta tank
Courtesy of Reddit

How to Add a Pothos Plant to a Betta Tank

Adding a pothos plant to your Betta tank is a straightforward process that requires minimal effort. Here are the steps you can follow:

  1. Choose a healthy pothos plant that has not been treated with any chemicals or pesticides.
  2. Rinse the plant thoroughly with clean water to remove any dirt or debris that may be on it. 3. Trim off any damaged or discolored leaves or roots using sharp, clean scissors.
  3. Place the plant in the Betta tank, making sure it is secured in place and cannot float or tip over.
  4. Adjust the lighting and temperature in the tank to suit the needs of the Pothos plant.
  5. Monitor the plant’s growth and condition regularly to ensure it is thriving in the tank.

It is important to note that if you are introducing a pothos plant to an established Betta tank, it is recommended to quarantine the plant for a few days to ensure it is not carrying any diseases or pests that could harm your fish.

Other Plant Options for Betta Tanks

While pothos is a popular plant option for Betta tanks, there are other plants you can consider adding to your tank as well. Here are some of the safe and compatible plant options for Betta tanks:

  • Anubias: A slow-growing plant that requires low light and minimal care.
  • Java Fern: A hardy plant that can thrive in a variety of conditions.
  • Amazon Sword: A tall plant that can create a natural and lush environment for Betta fish.

It is important to do your research before adding any plant to your Betta tank. Ensure that the plant is safe for Betta fish and can thrive in the tank’s conditions.

can i put pothos in my betta tank


Let’s now address some of the frequently asked questions about pothos and Betta fish:

What real plants are safe for Betta fish?

Some of the safe plant options for Betta fish include Anubias, Java Fern, Amazon Sword, and pothos. Ensure that the plants you choose are compatible with the tank’s conditions and do not pose any harm to your fish.

Also Read:  Will Pothos Regrow After Cutting?

Are pothos okay for Betta fish?

Yes, pothos plants are safe for Betta fish and can provide several benefits, including maintaining water quality and enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the tank.

Can you put pothos underwater in a fish tank?

Yes and no. Pothos plants can grow in water when their roots are in the water but you should not allow their stems or leaves to just sit in the water as this will cause them to rot. If you can put your pothos roots in the water of your aquarium without submerging the stem or leaves, your pothos will do great.

Is pothos toxic to fish?

No, pothos plants are not toxic to Betta fish or any other aquatic animals. They can provide a natural filter in aquarium tanks, helping to keep the environment healthy for fish and other aquatic life. Pothos plants also require minimal upkeep and will help oxygenate the water as well.

Do Betta fish prefer live plants?

Betta fish can benefit from the presence of live plants in their tank. Plants can provide a natural environment, reduce stress, and improve water quality. Live plants are a great addition to any Betta tank, but be sure to research the plant species and make sure it is safe for your fish. If you’d like to go the extra mile, mimic a natural environment with various decorations such as rocks, driftwood, and caves. Your Betta will enjoy hiding spots, exploring surface vegetation, and swimming in and around the plants.

Can pothos plants live in water?

Yes, pothos plants can grow in water and are suitable for aquariums. They can absorb nutrients from the water and help to maintain water quality. They are typically easy to care for and can thrive in low light conditions. Pothos plants can be grown in rocks, moss, or other aquarium decorations as well as in a small pot with soil.


In conclusion, adding pothos plants to your Betta tank can provide several benefits, including maintaining water quality and enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the tank. However, it is crucial to ensure that the plant is secure and stable in the tank and that the tank’s conditions are suitable for the plant’s growth. By following the steps outlined in this article and monitoring the plant’s condition regularly, you can successfully add pothos plants to your Betta tank and create a healthier and more attractive environment for your fish.

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