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Can Pothos Grow Outside?
Can pothos grow outside? Yes, pothos can grow outside. They like bright indirect light, so make sure to put them in a spot where they’ll get plenty of natural light but won’t be in direct sunlight. Pothos can also be grown in pots and placed outdoors during the summer months.
Pothos plants are some of the most popular houseplants around. They’re easy to care for, and can tolerate low light levels and a wide range of temperatures. But can pothos plants grow outdoors? The answer is yes – but there are a few things you need to keep in mind.
In this blog post, we’ll discuss the best ways to care for your pothos plant when growing it outside. We’ll also explore some of the benefits of growing pothos outdoors!
What Are Pothos?
Also known as Devil’s Ivy, these easy-to-grow houseplants are not only beautiful and low maintenance, but they also have air-purifying qualities. Pothos can tolerate a range of light levels, from low to bright indirect sunlight, making them suitable for just about any spot in your home or office.
And if their vibrant green leaves weren’t enough of an attraction already, these plants are also known for their long vines that can trail down from a hanging planter or sprawl across a bookshelf.
So next time you come across one of these stunning plants, make sure to give it the appreciation it deserves and perhaps even add one to your own collection.

What Is the Best Place to Grow Pothos?
While pothos can thrive in a variety of environments, the best place to grow them is in indirect sunlight near a window. Like most houseplants, pothos should be allowed to dry out slightly between waterings. However, sitting it near a humid area, such as a bathroom or kitchen, can also help prevent wilting during dry spells.
You will want to avoid areas with bright direct light or spaces near a heater or air conditioner vent as this will cause the plant to have inconsistent temperatures which can lead to problems.
Pothos also has a reputation for being an excellent air purifier, making it the perfect addition to any indoor space. With a little bit of care and attention, growing pothos in the right location will result in a beautiful and healthy plant that adds life to any room.
Can You Grow Pothos Outside?
While Pothos plants are known for their versatility and ability to thrive in a variety of indoor environments, some people might wonder if they can also thrive outside. The answer is more complicated than a simple yes or no – Pothos can indeed survive and even flourish in outdoor conditions, but it is important to keep a few key factors in mind.
First, Pothos prefer warmer climates where nighttime temperatures do not dip below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. They also typically thrive in partial shade rather than direct, intense sunlight.
Finally, outdoor Pothos will need steady access to water and humidity, which may require regular watering and mist during dry periods. Overall, with the right care and consideration, Pothos can make beautiful additions to an outdoor garden or porch setup.
Just be sure to do some research and take the necessary precautions before letting your Pothos venture outside.

What Happens if You Put a Pothos Outside?
You may have heard about people putting their pothos plants outside, thinking that they would love the natural sunlight and exposure to rain. However, while pothos plants do enjoy some indirect sunlight, they are not suited to survive harsh outdoor elements like wind and heavy downpours of rain.
These factors can damage their delicate leaves and potentially lead to root rot. In addition, pothos plants particularly enjoy warm temperatures and high humidity – both of which may be difficult to maintain when outside.
I am not necessarily saying that it isn’t possible to grow a lush pothos outside because I do it every year during the summer months but it will take an extra watchful eye when it comes to watering and making sure to keep it out of the intense sun.
Is Care for A Pothos Different Outdoors vs Indoors?
Not really. A pothos plant will still need the same basic care when grown outdoors as it will when grown indoors. You will need to give a place to grow, bright indirect light, water, and the occasional feeding. If you give your plant all of these things indoors or outdoors, you will be able to grow pothos.
How Long Can Pothos Be Outside?
You may have heard about people putting their pothos plants outside, thinking that it would love the natural sunlight and exposure to rain. However, while pothos plants do enjoy some indirect sunlight, they are not suited to survive harsh outdoor elements like wind and heavy downpours of rain.
These factors can damage their delicate leaves and potentially lead to root rot. In addition, pothos plants particularly enjoy warm temperatures and high humidity – both of which may be difficult to maintain when outside.
So while it might be tempting to show off your lush pothos plant outside, it’s best to keep it indoors where you can easily control its environment and give it the proper care it needs.
Can Pothos Take Full Sun?
Technically, yes it can. But it won’t thrive like it would in partial shade or indirect sunlight. Direct sunlight can cause the leaves to fade and the plant may even start to droop. However, if you have a particularly sunny spot in your home, you can still keep a pothos there as long as it gets some shade throughout the day.
Providing it with plenty of water and keeping it in well-draining soil can also help it survive in a sunnier location. So overall, it’s better for your pothos to give it bright indirect light instead of full sun exposure. Your plant (and your thumbs) will thank you!
How Much Sun Does the Typical Pothos Need?
The typical pothos loves bright indirect light so it should get at least 3-4 hours of indirect sunlight. This can be on a porch where it gets sort of dapple light but doesn’t get hammered by full sun. You can also place it near a bright window that doesn’t get direct sunlight.

How Do I Know if My Pothos Is Getting Too Much or Too Little Sun or Light?
The easiest way to know if your pothos plant isn’t getting the right amount of sun or light is to keep an eye on the leaves of your plant. If your leaves go from looking lush and healthy to something else – then you have an issue.
If your pothos plant isn’t getting enough sun or light the leaves may start to fade from luscious green to yellow and start to weaken. The leaves may be soft, grow smaller and thinner, and the plant may not grow as fast.
If your pothos plant is getting too much sun or light then your pothos leaves may get sunburned if outside and develop brown spots.
The important thing is to pay attention to your plants they will give you hints as to what is going on.
Can Pothos Survive Outside in Winter?
No, pothos is a tropical vining plant that doesn’t do well with cold weather or freezing temperatures. If you are keeping your pothos outside during the spring and summer, you should bring them in for the winter.
What Temperatures Can Pothos Tolerate?
Pothos plants can tolerate a wide range of temperatures, from 65-90 degrees Fahrenheit. However, the ideal temperature range for pothos is 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature falls below 65 degrees Fahrenheit, your plant may start to experience leaf damage and wilting. If the temperature exceeds 90 degrees Fahrenheit, your plant could start to experience leaf burn.
Can Pothos Survive 100-Degree Weather?
While pothos plants can tolerate a wide range of temperatures, from 65-90 degrees Fahrenheit, they can’t survive extreme heat. If the temperature outside exceeds 100 degrees Fahrenheit, your pothos plant is at risk of burning and wilting.
It is best if you keep it watered during those times and in dapple shade or if you can bring it inside.
Here are some common questions about growing pothos:
What Is the Best Location Indoors to Grow Your Pothos?
When it comes to the best location to grow a pothos plant indoors, there are a few things to consider. First, pothos plants enjoy bright indirect light, so you’ll want to place them in a spot where they can get several hours of indirect sunlight each day.
What Exactly Is Indirect Light or Sunlight?
Indirect sunlight or light is when the sun’s rays are not hitting your plant directly. This can be achieved by placing your pothos plant near a window that does not get direct sunlight or by using a sheer curtain to diffuse the light. Pothos plants can also thrive in indirect light environments like porches and patios.
How Much Water Does the Pothos Need?
The pothos does best when the soil is kept moist but not soggy. Allow the top layer of soil to dry out a bit between watering. During the hottest months, you may need to water slightly more often to keep the plant happy. If you notice the leaves start to droop, that is usually an indication that the plant needs to be watered.
What Are The Best Fertilizers For Pothos?
Pothos are not heavy feeders so you don’t need to fertilize them very often. Once every month or two during the growing season should be sufficient. You can use a standard all-purpose fertilizer diluted to half-strength.
Final Thoughts
So, can pothos grow outside? The answer is a resounding yes! Pothos are incredibly versatile plants that can thrive in a variety of climates and conditions. With the right care, your pothos plant will be happy and healthy outdoors for years to come.